
Forum Topics Posts Last post
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Work with arrays, dictionaries and sets in C#
2 2
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Work with arrays: adding and removing of elements, filtering, sorting, merging, iterating and other operations in C#
13 13
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Dictionaries: initialization, adding and removing of elements, iterating, getting of a list of keys and values in C#
8 8
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Sets initialization, adding and removing of elements, iterating over a set, search for a element in C#
7 7
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Work with classes: definition and initialization, methods, properties, inheritance in C#
7 7
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Base, abstract and sealed classes, interface and class inheritance in C#
13 13
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Default constructors, constructors with and without any parameters, constructors inheritance in C#
6 6
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Methods with and without parameters, with and without return values and other samples in C#
10 10
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Stored, computed and lazy properties in C#
6 6
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Subscripts (indexer methods) with one and multiple parameters in C#
2 2
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Conditional statements, loops and interruption of a control flow in C#
0 0 n/a
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if/else and switch/case statements in C#
0 0 n/a
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Valid and not valid, simple and complex conditions in C#
4 4
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Simple conditions of switch/case statements in C#
2 2
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break, continue and return statement in Swift
4 4
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for, foreach, while and do-while loops in C#
5 5
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Work with enumerations: definition and initialization, get the list of values in C#
8 8
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7 7
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Empowering types using extensions in C#
1 1
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Generic classes, methods, collections and generic types constraint in C#
10 10
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Initializing of simple types, collections, class, structures and enumerations
2 2
2 2
2 2
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Initializing of arrays, dictionaries and sets in C#
4 4
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Interfaces: properties and methods requirements, interfaces inheritance, conformance checking, explicit implementation in C#
7 7
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Using lambda expressions: lambda with one and multiple parameters, capture of variables, currying in C#
9 9
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Start operations in a new threads and synchronization in C#
8 8
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Overloading unary, binary, equivalence, comparison and custom operators in C#
5 5
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Reflection: Dynamic assembly loading, instance initialization, getting type members and implemented interfaces in C#
8 8
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5 5
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Work with struct types: definition and initialization, inheritance, struct members in C#
8 8
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Initialization, call type members, interaction with COM in C#
4 4
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Work with strings, numbers, dates, chars and other simple types in C#
1 1
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Conversion from/to string and logical operations in C#
4 4
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Converting from/to string and integer in C#
4 4
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Getting of the current date, converting to a string and other operations with date and time in C#
8 8
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Nullable types: Initialization, checking of presence of a value and getting values in C#
3 3
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Integer, double and float types in C#
0 0 n/a
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Operations with double and float types in C#
6 6
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Operations with int type in C#
8 8
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Power, logarithm, square root and other operations in C#
5 5
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initialization of pointers, memory allocation, dynamic arrays, string pointers, etc.
5 5
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String operations: comparison, concatenating, getting substring and other operations in C#
15 15
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